Staying Healthy During Exams



What is stress? Stress is a response to environmental pressures or demands.
Stress is a normal response
Most people think of stress as negative but there is such a thing as good stress as well.
Good stress (eustress) can help you successfully overcome the challenges in your life and increase your productivity.
Bad stress (distress) makes you feel that things are beyond your control.
Too much stress is bad for your mind, your body and your overall sense of well-being. 

Sources of Stress

Student life is full of sources of stress such as:

- Moving away from family and friends
- EXAMS!!!
- Marks
- Financial worries
- Family expectations
- Personal relationships
- Family relationships
- Uncertainty about the future

Preventing Stress

The best way to prevent stress is to:

1.     Plan ahead
2.     Don’t procrastinate
3.     Eat healthy foods
4.     Sleep well
5.     Be social and have some fun
6.     Ask for help when you need it 

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Get 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep every night.
Getting enough sleep can make you more productive and alert

Sleep hygiene

·         Try a relaxing bedtime routine
·         Avoid foods, beverages, and medications that may contain stimulants. 
·         Avoid naps in late afternoon and evening. 

Preparing for exams

Have everything, texts, notes, eFundi material, old papers, etc. PLAN realistically

Get a good night’s sleep
Cramming all night is not the best way to study.
You’ll do much better on the exam  or test if you are well rested.

Don’t rush
Make sure you have plenty of time to get ready and get to the exam / test venue on time.

Bring what you need
Get everything you need ready the night before. It adds to that feeling of being prepared!

You may not feel like eating, but having something nutritious
will give you energy and help you focus on the test / exam.

Relax! You remember more than you think you do
If you can’t remember the answer to a question, don’t panic.
Take a deep breath, relax and move on to the next question.
Sometimes other questions on the exam can trigger your memory.

Slow down
Scan the test / exam paper briefly so you will know how to use your time.
Pace yourself and allow more time for questions that are worth more marks.
Take time to read each question carefully so you know what is expected in your answer.

Answer the questions in front of you!
Work fast, you can always return to a tricky question

Once you have written your test / exam, LET IT GO!
What’s done is done and you can’t change the outcome.
Reward yourself by hanging out with friends or participating in your favourite activity

Services for Students
There are many services and resources you can access as a student

Go to SI
Speak to your mentor 
Book an individual session with an SI leader at ADS 
Go to a psychologist


Don’t fall in love before the test / exam
Don’t break up a relationship before the test / exam 
Stay connected, but don’t be on your phone 24/7. You break your concentration every time you take a peek at Facebook. 
Avoid negativity – at this time you need to stay positive and upbeat

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