Winter Blues


It might not be winter yet, but it sure feels like it! You are now busy with test week and then you hardly have time to take a rest then you have to start studying for exams. There is nothing worse than being sick when you are supposed to be studying. Here is some advice on how to deal this winter:


Minor ailments:

I have a cough/sore throat/cold

  • Drink lots of fluid
  • Medication with Paracetamol as ingredient will help for aches
  • If you don't feel better in a few days, or appear to be getting worse, go to a doctor ASAP



I have Diarrhoea and vomiting

This problem usually sorts itself out within 48 hours, but follow these steps to help you get through the worst of it
  • Avoid solid food
  • Drink small amounts of flat energy drinks such as Energade or Powerade regularly
  • Drink flat coke, as this usually helps for an upset stomach
  • You can ask a pharmacist for over the counter anti-diarrheal medication
  • If you don't feel better within 48 hours, or appear to be getting worse, go to a doctor ASAP



The heater's fighting the cold, unfortunately it sometimes starts to feel like they are fighting you as well!
  • Put the burned area under running cold water for 10 minutes or until it doesn't hurt so much anymore
  • If a blister starts to form, apply a dry, loose dressing. If it hurts a lot you can also drink a paracetamol/panado
  • If your skin is broken and the area is larger than 12cm in diameter, go to an emergency room ASAP



You are walking to campus, slip on the frost and get your ankle sprained. This will NOT get you excused from writing that test/exam, so remember RICE
R - Rest the hurting area as much possible
I - Put ice on the hurting area, a bag of frozen peas or sweet corn works great
C - Comfortable Support - Make sure your limb is comfortable and in a good position
E - Elevation might be difficult when writing your test, but it is very possible while studying. Elevation will also help bring the swelling down
If you cannot manage gentle movement with the sprained limb within 48 hours, go see a GP as there might be something broken or torn.


Nose Bleeds

  • Sit upright and pinch your nose just below the bone for 10 minutes
  • Avoid blowing your nose and hot drinks 24 hours after a nose bleed stopped.




Watch out for these infectious diseases:

If you think you or anyone else might have any of the following diseases get yourself or your friend to the Doctor or Clinic ASAP!


Simptoms include:
High temperature - accompanied by chills
Severe headache
Neck pain/stiffness
Nausea / Vomiting
Sensitive to light and/or sound
Sleepy and confused
Sore throat
A rash which doesn't disappear when you roll a glass over it




It is possible to ride out a flu with plenty of rest, fluids and some paracetamol, but if you have trouble breathing, consult a doctor.
Simptoms include:
Runny nose
Difficulty sleeping







Remember not to try and diagnose yourself, these are only guidelines and tips. If you really believe you have an contagious disease, get a doctors letter from your GP.

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